Guide on How to Spot Authentic or Replica Designer Handbags
With so many varieties of handbags available in the market, it's really quite difficult to distinguish what is genuine or fake designer handbag. So you need to be smart enough in dealing with them. Here are some tips to help you easily spot an authentic or replica designer handbag. Designer Handbag Tip #1: SCRUTINIZE first the material of the handbag carefully. The quality of the material is one of the best ways to know if it's knock-off or not since most fake suppliers or manufacturers will always use secondary material for manufacturing replica designer handbags. It is therefore will give you a smart idea about the originality of these products. Designer Handbag Tip #2: Make sure that the handbag comes with attractive packaging. Since fake manufacturers or suppliers are not able to match those packaging of the original designer handbags, this can be a great tip to easily identify fake handbags. While the handbag itself may be hard to examine, its packaging can provide certai...